Oracle Turbo Raven, Seagull Models
- Wingspan: 63 inches - 160cm
- Length: 135.4cm - 53.5inches
- Wing area: –
- Weight: 4kg / 8.8 lbs.
- Engine :15-20cc
- Motor 110/ 2000watt/ ESC 85A-100A/ Lipo 8s-9s
- Radio: 4 channels 5 servos
Key Features:
- High quality balsa and balsa plywood, these make light weight construction and carbon fiber structure provides a lightweight airframe that is ridged and strong in all the right places
- Plug-in wings make it easy to transport and fast to assemble
- Factory covered in genuine film with Eye-catching, highly visible color scheme (Cadmium Yellow and Pearl Blue)
- Airfoil shaped tail surfaces impressive overall scale appearance.
- Precise aerobatics and capable of 3D flight
- Large canopy hatch for easy access to internal components
- Fiberglass control horns for optimized throw and precision. All linkages use ball links for secure
- Factory painted fiberglass cowl and wheel pants
- Detailed cockpit area features a scale pilot, instrument decal and crystal-clear canopy
- Incredible value with carbon fiber landing gear and scale aluminum tailwheel assembly and high quality of Transparent Fuel Tank 300ml and PU rubber wheel plastic Hub
- Full hardware pack included
- Includes electric conversion hardware
*** Servos, radio gear, engines/motor/batteries, not included***